Virgo Full Moon
Virgo Full Moon on March 7, 2023 at 5:40AM MST, with energies perfecting at 16degrees Virgo
If last week felt like “one of those weeks” the Void of Course Moon in the ancient Hellenistic terms was travelling through Cancer and Leo played and it played a huge role. This energy shifted on March 1 late evening and lasted almost 62Hours. There is the modern Void or Course Moon definitions, though I find this definition to be the most noticeable. The modern definition is important in its own way it’s positioned to describe this energy as happening more frequently and for less hours at a time. What I am pointing out is the number of occurrances is different. The energy of ‘Void of Course’ means simply that Moon is running in emptiness, or running in the void, that the moon is untethered. This is not regularly one of those energies that makes headlines. This when the Moon making absolutely zero major aspects to anything in the Starry Sky and that is incredible. The moon’s first aspect was March 4 when she made a trine to Jupiter in Aries, while Moon was In Leo. In the ancient definition this type void energy is rare. Maybe happening a couple times a year. This feels important to me. I felt I was like learning to move at my own instinctive rhythm, or deepening my awareness of my own inner natural sense of timing. This can be chaotic on a large scale at first- everyone bumping into each other as we all find our sense of rhythm again, and given enough time we eventually start flowing with each other. This is one of the main reasons I appreciate this definition of Void of Course Moon because it gives more time in this rhythmic state before we come back together (meaning aspecting other planets). The Modern definition has its place, though because it happens many times a month, it carries a different signature for our energetic development.
Saturn and Mercury also had a quick conversation in the closing degrees in Aquarius. In this Full Moon, We are also feeling Saturn cross the threshold from Aquarius into Pisces. To explain this in a different way- its like transitioning from our work day to our home life. Akin to shifting gears of what we are doing. If we think of this shifting energy in terms of our bodies: Aquarius is the shin/calf Pisces is the feet- the transition is the ankle- how we pivot from this energy to that energy.
Grandmother Moon, please help me understand the energy around me and within me as I work to remove what blocks me from my real self in this Full Moon in Virgo.
Shock culture has done a number on us. It’s eruptive fires have us running to or paralyzed in waiting for the next ‘fire’ or thing to be ‘dealt’ with. In this manner we are held in a frozen state of action orientation only if it grabs our attention, actions reinforced by what urgent and important, a world where everything has that label because we won’t look at it otherwise. This is can found more around media hyper-sensitizations. Grabbing our attention, click bait, phone notifications. A culture of noise. Noise that can be used to desensitize us from ourselves, move us away from our inner guidance, action orientation, and rhythm.
In the soft shifting of winter to spring we are faced with the smouldering hot embers below the surface. It seems what brings vitality to our lives is in hot water (Sun in Pisces).
The priestess is a form of the Virgo symbol, with her over watching and expansive knowledge of everything that is going on. She is able to support what’s around her in the finest of movement and details. She lives away from the town centre and the noise it makes, she’s aware of what is going on and also doesn’t engage with it. That allows her to see the finer details of what is happening within her and around her. In this place she can make micro adjustments that have vast impact. She can educate other members around her about subtle movements and energies, baring witness to what is transpiring below the surface, what is often invisible or lives in the blindspot. Because of how our inner priestess chooses to live, she comes to us with a vantage, living away form the noise of daily life imparts an ability for decision making we often do not take advantage of.
In the symbol of the priestess also suggests creating a personal sacred relationship with this part of ourselves. We can glean from media that when a ‘ruler’ of some variety rushes to their ‘oracle’ or confident, they are often met with contrasting slowness and quiet engagement. The oracle or confident does not see the situation with the same haste as the one coming to them. In the earthly Virgo way, slowness and quietness is imparted as a cleansing ritual so that you can take in what your inner oracle or confident will share with you. For me, I usually experience a type of riddle or proverb from the Virgo part of me- something that really makes me stop and feel about the essence of whats being shared. That it is less about the direct words, and more about tuning in deeper towards the spirit of the words. That is why I fully believe in being exactly clear with our words as we can be: they represent the finer spirit and essence of a message we are trying to convey.
In creating a sacred relationship with this part of ourselves, we have to be the ones to go there. Meaning we have to be the ones to move away from the surface of the situation, away from the noise, and shift towards the outskirts of our minds. However this visual feels for you, Virgo in this way chooses to not live in the hype of the world, and we must go to her. She will not come to us.
I use the phrase ‘Her’ to acknowledge the Yin/feminine energy of Virgo. The receptivity rather than the activity of the Yang/masculine energy. We have to choose to receive her and her knowledge, she won’t come to us. It’s like going to nature and sitting still with her to receive her. It takes bravery and courage for the essence of the feminine and nature to remain as they are, knowing the world we have created around her, and yet remaining true to herself.
Why then the image of the smouldering core? The heat below the surface? I get the deeper sense that the media hype and superficial noise keep us away from what also needs our attention.
How does shock culture/media demobilize our inner Virgo? Creating a separation from our all knowing confident?
How does this prevent us from dealing with the smouldering heat below the surface?
What if we change ‘dealing with’ to ‘tending to’?
What do we receive/get for not tending to what smoulders us from the inside out?
What do we receive in life for not praying for a moment to receive the gifts of awareness from our inner priestess? (This goes for men too, as they by nature also have feminine and yin within them).
What if the noise around us is not as important as the fire within us? Would that shift how we live in the world?
Why do we allow our vitality to smoulder beneath the surface only to erupt when the pressures of avoidance are too much?
Vitality is represented by the symbol of fire our Sun, hence the images.
What if we have to untether ourselves from other energies bodies for a long moment and coast through the void? What do we notice then?
These are respectively the last signs preceding the spring and autumn equinox- before the planting and harvesting begin. In a Full Moon expression- what are we releasing/clearing before we plant or harvest?
It also seems extremely intelligent in a worldly scale that it is in this time of the year we start preparing for tax season- an earthly materialistic way of evaluating what we have achieved through our incoming and outgoing spending in terms of our sense of wealth. A time of year wherein we audit our actions. Reap what we sow, and plan future seeds for planting. We have to be receptive to the process and what it shows us. Sometimes we do not like what we see, sometimes we are amazed at what we find.
Full Moons are also a great time to forgive ourselves and others. It’s a receptive practice. I haven’t spoken much about the practice of forgiveness until now as I was having trouble receiving the words to express the essence each symbol in astrology carries about it. It seems in this moment Virgo steps away from the noise of the media hype and culture, and everything gets quiet, does her audit of incoming and outgoing energy, combing through the details so we can say we are sorry with true remorse and love. In Virgo fashion, she wants to hear about exactly what you are sorry for.
Get down into the details:
Im sorry for eating that meal when I wasn’t hungry, I used it as a way to avoid the hard day I had.
Im sorry for spending money on ____, it was not a meaningful purchase that added value to my life.
Im sorry I gave ____ away, I really needed that.
Im sorry I did not give my full attention to that person, they really mean a lot to me.
These are only a few examples. Please continue to add to this non-exhaustive list in your own words.
Doing this kind of reflective audit annually can be overwhelming as a practice. The good news is we can audit our actions regularly through a practice of connecting with our inner priestess and allowing her to show us what we need to see. However this practice starts for you, if once a year like government taxes is all you can bare- then I encourage you to start there, lean in and see where it takes you. Walking over to her and her area away from the hustle and bustling noise of our world can be scary. I get that. I get that those initial conversations may leave you more confused than clear on anything. Take the messages with you when you leave her and chew on them, allow them to digest and absorb into your soul and see what happens (Virgo rules the stomach). Maybe you see or feel nothing for a while on a conscious level and then BAMM! You realize you have tended to something that was smouldering with in you for a long while and now its energy cooled off. You absorbed and integrated your inner Virgo teachings on your own rhythm at your own pace- you found a way to love your inner priestess on your own time. To me that is a beautiful way to move through this noisy world.
Moon Rise. March 15, 2023. Calgary, Alberta.
Photo: Stephany Steele
Warm Hugs and Love,