Aries New Moon, A Spring Equinox
Aries New Moon and Spring Equinox on March 21, 2023 at 11:23 Am MST, with energies perfecting at 00degrees and 51arch minutes.
An icy walk on this spring equinox. Calgary, Alberta.
Photo: Stephany Steele
The Moon rise from Thursday March 16, 2023 at 6:01am MST. Its rare that I get the Cresent Moon so clear on the phone’s camera- I had to share!
Being this far North on the Northern hemisphere we are often only left with glimpses of Spring, the season that marks fresh beginnings, new sprouts and the easterly winds. This year has that flavour in spades. With a number of significant planetary shifting signs (ingresses) into astrological signs- that can feel like seasons- this in a way feels like a type of spring.
Pluto moves from Capricorn into Aquarius for about 20years
Saturn moves from Aquarius into Pisces for about 2.5years
Jupiter moves from Aries to Taurus for about 12months
Venus has also moved into Taurus this week for her quick stay there
Mars moves into Cancer for 6weeks
These patterns add to the energy of the Moon, Sun and even Mercury having recently shifted astrological signs into Aries.
Each season and astrological sign has their challenges that we can chose to learn and grow through, its a supportive tool we can use for our evolution. It can be a part of our development and discovery of our souls character. These processes bring forward struggle not because pain is inherent to the process but because when we wrestle with a skill or expression of ourselves we refine ourselves and discover more of who we are and what we desire. In that essence, the feeling of pain can be the release of something that was stuck.
Grandmother Moon, please help me understand the energy around me and within me as I work to remove what blocks me from my real self in this New Moon in Aries.
Change happens slowly.
I feel it’s safe here to say we have all had similar experiences of feeling instant change in our lives- only to be faced in the reality that we are living old and rutted patterns, that it was the actors and scene that changed- everything else in essence was the same.
Change is also not a black and white shift, its a progression. It is a series of intentional actions consistently taken over time. Change is a continual choice and evolution. Knowing that change is slow is simple and not easy. We have to plant seeds of intention in our lives, take care of them with our desire and love, act accordingly for their best conditions to germinate and sprout. That is where it all starts. There is more effort and conscious action required from us well after those sprouts grow before our eyes, and that is for the scope of a future Summer oriented Moon.
We do have quick moving astrological bodies: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all considered quick moving. Also realize that by definition of quick it is understood that a complete cycle ranges from 28days to about 26months. Moon being the fastest and Mars being the slowest. Quick moving energy using this tool is the Moon, taking about 2.5days to move from sign to sign, season to season. Change happens so slowly that even the fastest of our symbols needs a couple days in a season to awaken, process, integrate and shift.
We have our day to day cycle of hours. The is normally our primary experience. The light of the Sun in this way does move perceivably “quick.” Ask yourself how much can you get done in the spring of the morning to change your life? I raise this question in hopes that I and we can add more gentleness into our lives by realizing that there is only so much time in each morning (the spring time of each day) to intentionally act out ways that implement change in our lives. That we need many mornings of spring energy to reach our goals.
Why is this important to keep writing about? Because no one I know including me likes slow change. And moving into the fury of Aries, this is an inner conflict worth, in my opinion, becoming deeply aware of.
That smouldering energy from last Moon, that something that me feels agonizing because it’s right there about to erupt to the surface. The agonizing feeling is: can’t we just move on already. That is my demand on myself, to just move on already.
I ask Myself again: Grandmother Moon, please help me understand the energy around me and within me as I work to remove what blocks me from my real self in this New Moon in Aries.
So where does that leave us with the immediate present and reality that this seasons spring is upon us?
Actually in a good place. The agony is that I’m wrestling with is the part of me that wants to move forward and sprout new leaves right fucking now. The rest of me is like: “Hell ya, change is slow you say? Great. I’m gonna take a bath, go to bed early and revisit my to do list next week.”
The permission to rest is an intentional part of growing. You need more rest when you are expanding, I encourage you to review child rearing material for the gentle reminder of how important good deep sleep and rest periods are in physical development. How we hold space for children to grow and develop are practices that also foster and create foundations for our continual and infinite development as adults.
I know when I step into myself that surface stuff creating my feelings of agony is what I’m working to release: the awareness that in actuality this may not be my authentic mental tape playing or creating the action plan for myself. That awareness that the demand to just move on already in me doesn’t allow me to flow in my own natural rhythm. Suddenly that demand on myself feels like toxic language.
That’s one thing I love about working with the Aries archetype- what am I a warrior for? What gets me charged and worked up about? All hot and bothered? If you need help in this area- look at the language you use in ares of your life with passion and intensity. What do you speak of to yourself and others with excitement and aliveness?
Is it nutrition and how we source food?
Is it emotional wellness and expanding ourselves in an emotional way?
Is it____? well anything goes, you have to reflect and find out what gets you so excited that you forget your phone exists, you are that into it.
It seems to me that usually what we get worked up about is deeply personal and collectively meaningful- as in the world could use that gumption you got goin’ on in your fiery self.
In that desire you are living, researching, activating, and doing- people will take notice. Not that you pushed it at them- that they came to you about it. It’s magnetic. You are doing you. And there are people gravitating your way.
“It takes one to know one.” That statement was said to me in a recent experience by someone I have never met, only communicated in email. I wondered about that comment for a while and realized that many people I vibe with are what I feel are super awesome beautiful souls doing amazing things while on Earth. What was being reflected back to me that some feel this way about me. What I am sharing here is that when you stand up, work at and do you, others see and gravitate. We get a chance to feel that not all of our Law of Attractions are negative, that at some point in our journey we attract positive Law of Attraction events. This is wonderful news in conjunction with change being slow. That over time, as we change, we also change what we attract into our lives.
Awesomeness does not sprout over night. It’s a lifetime in the making. Change is slow. That deep authentic fighter in each of us knows that. The training and refining can be gruelling, especially in the beginning. And we each have the fire to keep on because that pull in our hearts is stronger than anything else. I want to believe that for each of us- I also know that in each parts of our soul it’s our fear that is strong, pulling at us in the other direction, slowing the forward movement and blocks that awesome gravitational magnetism.
And you know what? That’s ok. I am not that living in fear is ok, it’s acknowledging that first off you treasure a fear more than love in certain areas of your life. That fear is slowing you down. Having a true, honesty and humble conversation with yourself to make those fears conscious and seen takes warrior level courage and bravery. That’s our personal work.
For this spring, I’m getting fired up for slow meaningful change. Getting real with a few of my fears, as I feel it’s dishonest and unrealistic to say all of my fears. Sit with each one and allow some love in to water my soil, I mean soul, for aspects of me to bloom in the coming summer of my life.
Warm love and tenderness.