Scorpio Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

Scorpio Full Moon Penumbral Eclipse @ 11:34 AM MST on May 5, 2023, with energies prefecting at 14degrees Scorpio.

This eclipse will be visible throughout most of Asia and Australia.

Moon at sunset on May 2, 2023, Calgary, Alberta.
Photo: Stephany Steele

This Moon ties in a lot of energy:

Conjunct Uranus in Taurus: de-conditioning belief systems, life patterns, letting go of what we once thought would bring us security and stability to fulfill our sense of self worth and value. The reminder to be open that what comes forward in the essence of our emotions and that they may manifest in ways that go beyond our imagination and what we think is happening. Feel, release and observe.

Conjunct Mercury retrograde in Taurus: Making more space for your inner dialogue. In Taurus that dialogue is very much about the sensory aspect of ourselves. The spoken words that need to be spoken, or sung out loud. The touching, the smelling, the seeing. Making our sensory experiences active, the doing of our senses, making them verbs in our lives.

Pluto in Aquarius square the Lunar Nodal Axis of Taurus-Scorpio: Letting go so you can take more in. Letting go of beliefs, feeling suppressed and repressed emotions, ancestral trauma, forgiving your trauma, forgiving in general. As the energy of Pluto in Aquarius starts to unfold in these early arch minutes I notice that the nature of Pluto in Aquarius has a lot to do with forgiving what was once the tradition and the way of being, realizing why it was there, the purpose it served, and then gently looking forward seeing the possibility that can connect us further and deeper- where that connectivity to community and innovation are birthed. Forgiving the traditions and old ways is a celebration of Saturnian courage that says: “I honour what we needed to arrive here, now I must lay that way of being down, Thank you for carrying me to this point.” In that prayerful celebration we feel the sense of death in ourselves, that unknowing of whats next, the void, the white space to create wonder for what is next, the rebirth of a new way forward.

Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus: In this aspect Uranus at this time is being influenced in a gentle yet firm Martian way to get active about the work that needs to be done in order for Uranus to put its best self forward. Mars in Cancer is about the Yang and Masculine flow of emotional energy that can support us getting active with our intentions, whether those intentions are in balance with how we live in and out of our shells is up to us. We can get worn down by emotions that don’t serve us, or we can dig in and get praying, releasing and ultimately connecting to whats really going to protect us: Love and truth.

Grandmother Moon, please help me understand the energy around me and within me as I work to remove what blocks me from my real self in this Full Moon in Scorpio.

How do you find pleasure in all things?

How do you find pleasure in the intensity of all of thing you feel right now?

I honestly wonder what my life would be like without pain and suffering. Is there meaning to life without suffering? Is it possible to create a pleasurable and worth while life that I didn’t have to suffer for in order to get there or to make it?

I’m over being angry about it. I’m over people seeing me and attributing anger as a part of my nature. The anger they see is not my authentic self, it was a tool I used to hide. What I’m hiding is the intensity and depth of which I feel everything around me, at the moment that is a lot of hurt. I have had glimpses that this mirrors my capacity to feel and give love and joy to the world around me.

There is a draught out where I live, a lack of water- a lack of emotion and the flow of the emotions. I hurt seeing the ducks and geese “swim” about in ponds with no water- how can you play and splash around when there is no water, no emotions? My heart breaks in empathy for the ducks and geese as that scorpion part of me mirrors that pond which ‘should’ be full of water, but is rather all dried up, therefore not flowing of emotion.

Playing is an intense activity. I look to children and observe them in their natural habitat: Earth. I was gonna say the play ground, though when I look at children playing- they literally do it everywhere they see a chance to express the emotions of bliss, joy, creativity and connection through the art of play.

My heart cries deeply, as I currently believe you have to carve out time and space to play. Something feels so utterly wrong with that as feel this sadness. Kinda like waiting around for rain to splash in a dried up pond- when is t going to happen?

The reality is that the elemental Earth and Water, like Fire and Air are everywhere. In all the things, all the time. Earth and Water are balanced together on the axis of Taurus and Scorpio: the physical manifestation of our emotional being. With no water in us and world around us as the physical manifestation dries up, hardens, eventually turns to dust. I am choosing to stay with the draught side of the same coin that a flood would be a part of. Stay focused on whats here, present and really happening in and around us.

I live and embody a culture that shames people for deep playful joy in everything they do. It’s a tough thing to also say but I look at those who believe they are playing instead of working- I see people who on some level are denying the rebellion and sadness they are in. On the surface I believe them that they could find deep joy in playing at work- and I look into their eyes and see a soul filled with sadness unhealed. I really do feel that goal is possible: that work can be so pleasurable you’re playing, and I honour that there is some waking up to do, work to be done in the realm of releasing and forgiving the emotions that block the flowing waters that would revive us. Our watery emotions revive and hydrate us, hydrate our bodies to take in more love and other pleasing emotions.

Damning up through suppression and repression of what we tell ourselves is not pleasurable to feel blocks our own capacity to hydrate and revive, therefore blocking the capacity of others to support us hydrating and reviving. That transcends this feeling to a whole other level: Taurus is symbol of a herd animal. Humans call their herd by many names: tribe, family, friends, support networks, community, collective to name a few options. Herds work together to make sure everyone survives, gets fed, drinks water, feels secure, and has room to play. Sadly, it also seems herd-mentality has the capacity to exact harm and damage to its members leaving them in complete opposition totally isolated with their stingers ready to react.

In the Taurus Scorpio axis on this eclipse we are looking honestly- I mean deeply honestly with a raw intensity that is so powerful it kinda hurts to look at, even for a blink. In reality we have the Earth coming between Sun and Moon. We are positioning ourselves to look at the spectrum of our vitality, our  life force battery (the Sun), and the rate of our energy flow through the distributor of our life force (the Moon). Let’s take a moment and break down the Moon description: the Moon reflects sunlight down to Earth. The sign position of the Moon is the filter we receive that sunlight in and thus governing the rate of its energy flow. Our Moon light in this Moon is coming to us through the watery nature of Scorpio- energy passing through water moves really fast depending on the clarity of the water. Emotionally speaking, the more honest and allowing of your own emotions, the more light and energy can pass into your being to recharge your own internal battery, those actions clear up your waters and allow for more.

At this point in my writing a fearful thought drops in: maybe I should check with a friend to see if this is too much. The current truth of the matter is that this is what I feel is needed to be spoken. When I consider all the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius they all have a modal quality of too much to them. In that lay the gift: we are so much more than we realize. It is possible too long for too much love, and be able to receive it. Even as I write that out that prayer it seems positively ridiculous we live in a world where we could choose to believe that there is something as receiving too much love. In the next breathe I exhale knowing that all of my hurts are related to not receiving pure love, and that the future is bright with possibility.

Warm Love,


Taurus New Moon


Aries Hybrid Solar Eclipse