Aries Hybrid Solar Eclipse
Aries Hybrid Solar Eclipse on April 19, 2023, at 10:21pm MST, prefect at 29degrees Aries.
Firstly we need to clear up what a hybrid solar eclipse is. A solar eclipse is a New Moon that passes directly in front of the Sun from our point of view here on earth. To make it a hybrid means that it is a combination of an annular and total solar eclipse. For more information I added a link to help explain more on the what and where you can see this Moon Sun dance occur.
Next up is that this Sun Moon happen moments before the Sun and Moon both shift into the sign of Taurus. The Moon shifts at 10:29pm on April 19 and the Sun shift at 2:13am on April 20. I do find it beautiful that Earth Day is the normally the first day of Sun in Taurus season. To me it brings forward the essence of Taurus season, the celebration of the pleasures the Earth brings us as we call her home. How we can embody and celebrate this physical realm that so far to our knowledge exists no where else? That there is truly no place like home. Dorothy’s words from the Wizard of Oz reminds us that we can travel far and wide on many quests and adventures, and we will always long for this place we call home. The place we bask in wonder and awe every time we reach out and connect with our Mother Earth.
We also maybe feeling the dense energy within the symbols of Aries and Taurus. This spring in a 30degree span of 16degrees Aries to 17degree Taurus we have 7 major astrological bodies in Aries and Taurus: Chiron, Jupiter, Moon, Sun, North Node, Mercury and Uranus. If you work with the Asteroids- we have Vesta and Juno bringing forward their goddess energy to this spring season. Seems to me we should stay focused on whats right here, present with us.
As mentioned last Moon, Mercury is slowing down preparing to station in their retrograde cycle on April 21 at 2:34am at 15degrees Taurus. When I look at the arch minutes of Mercury’s movement at I write this, during the eclipse: Mercury has pretty much down shifted back to first gear, is depressing the breaks, and acting on the intention to make a full stop. Keeping in mind that this movement is all from our perspective on Earth. That means something when we work with tools, how do we perceive motion around us and within us? Slowing down and stopping has a different feel than being angry when none of the ways in which you like to communicate and connect are working. It takes you deeper into the senses. The phrase: you have to stop in order to smell the roses take on a whole new meaning. From this vantage, my suggestion with the frustrations of things not working is to stop, breathe it all in, connect to your senses and allow them to tell you the story, not your mind or intellect. Allow the other conversations within you to take up space, with your senses. It may not all be pleasant, though it would be honest- and that is the most important conversation you can have with yourself. Taurus finds pleasure in the honesty of a moment, you cannot fake pleasure. You cannot fake the feeling you get on a sunny day laying on the ground cloud watching, you cannot fake that feeling you have starring into your partner’s eyes seeing the galaxy of their soul. You can’t make that up in your heart, what you really feel in that moment. Sometimes we have to start with what is not pleasurable and how it’s not what we meant it all to be. Staying with the honest sensory conversation within yourself gives you key information that helps you move where you want to go. If you need help visualizing this: look to the animal kingdom at whom we judge for moving when they decide it, for what they want and the direction they want to go into. (Ex: bulls, goats, all of the ‘stubborn’ animals who won’t do what we want). In this visualization, we may find a world of sadness and hurt for all the times we were called stubborn or were pulldown down for moving when and where we decided we wanted to go. There is truth worth leaning into those sad feelings, we can realize that in those hurtful moments all we wanted was to honour our desire, to feel free in doing it for no other reason to explore the pleasures of life here on Earth. I imagine there is more that can come forward for each of us in that, thought it feels like this is good place to start.
Grandmother Moon, please help me understand the energy around me and within me as I work to remove what blocks me from my real self in this New Moon in Aries.
We notice instantly that we have two New Moons in Aries this calendar year. That is important information about this current season of our lives. I would imagine and dare to say it is a big something. When planetary energy collects in clusters, we notice it. It’s concentrated there for a reason. This energy is all around the transition of Aries into Taurus. In this moment I sense that the theme is about how we take intention into action.
In this moment reflect on our actions, our state of being, and wonder if they embody our intentions. Kinda like checking the rear view mirror before going forward. Do I have everything with me that I need? Am I going where I intended to go? Through my daily actions, am I expressing the person I believe and feel myself to be? How does all feel in my home, my body?
The reality of our lives is that as much as intentions matter, it is what we do that showcases who we really are. Being and doing become one and the same in the sense that being is our intent of who we would like to be and doing is the actions of those intentions. As all this energy is also reflecting onto Libra and Scorpio, we can also see that our relationships with the other mirror the depths of who we are. Our intentions hold a different value in the isolated vacuum of our thoughts and beliefs when we are alone verses when we go out and interact with people. If there is incongruence, a difference, between what we intend and what we do, if our intentions don’t land the way we hoped on the other when we are with them, then we should be encouraged to reflect on where the disconnect or kink in the system is.
Relationships are challenging. And for good reason: they point out what is flowing and working or not flowing and working. Said another way, your Law of Attraction is always providing feedback of what is actually going on on the soul level, the deepest part of our being. It is in this feedback through connecting with others and ourselves are we able to honestly evaluate what is going on. It’s not until we look deeply into ourselves at why we do what we do when it doesn’t fit with what we intend, that we change.
Take something natural to do like living, for example. Living a physically human life on Earth is a natural part of our journey through our infinite existence. The incongruent feelings we have about living then are about not following our intuition, our intentions, and the pain in experiencing the disconnect of this through our actions. It seems to me that we are all just making do right now. That not very much of the physical existence is a natural, intuitive or connected process resulting in me wanting to experience and explore everything life has to offer. Everything has a prices, an assessed monetary value tied to it. We commodified what is inherently priceless down to a price. For me, that feels down right painful.
When I feel about the deep disturbed frustrations in the world this is a feeling that also exists in me, its feels to me like we are all getting tired of making do when we know that there is a better, more freeing way to live in harmony with the world around us. Something that feels intuitive, natural, like I would never have to work at having this physical existance. These are a lot of intense emotions about the pleasures in life and how I experience myself with others. It is as though this whole making-do process was a reaction to not knowing or allowing that deep inner normal state of existence. I know I am talking about intergenerational issues now, and there is a lot compassion in knowing that they did their best given all the things that were going on around them. I also have compassion in knowing that there where times they did not give their best, and instead responded in fear and anger. I feel this with compassion because I have done that too. In that admittance of not always doing my best, was the reality of my inner landscape, its about being honest with at least myself and then others.
This is a strange moment in time, to experience an eclipse when the lunar nodes are still in another sign. Bridging together a transition space of where we are and what is to come. There may not be an exact event on this eclipse, you know the one of the hallmarks of movement in life. This feels as though there are a series of moments that tip us over into something new. In that tip over moment, we could classify that as the moment we are looking for. Though eclipse energies can stay with us for 3-6 months, some have even said a year. We have many other Moon phases occurring in that time, so it may hard to remember where the pull came from exactly, when these series of moments are, when that tipping point happens. It seems to me now, that these are details we could choose to get hung up on, or we could choose to keep on refining our lives so they become closer and closer with the intent of our beingness.
What I found curious and joyful, is my next thought that came to me: the wheels of motion I initiated on Dec 2, 2015. I remember sitting on a backyard landing of someone’s home I no longer know writing out this manifesto to myself under the Moon’s light. What I was not sensitive to then as I am now is in the tense frustration of the Moon squaring the Sun, 3 months after a total lunar eclipse, Sept 28, 2015, when the North Node was in Libra getting ready to venture into Virgo. This is a beautiful example to share with others of the time, effort, expense of resources, deep courage, and utter bravery it takes to shift your life into alignment with that natural intuitive flow within each of us. This is also great example of how it wasn’t in the height of the eclipse this all came to me it was in the aftershock so to speak.
When I reread that manifesto again, it reminds me of the essence of what I am still working on to this day. Some of the language I used then is not language I would have written now, and seeing beyond that, tapping into the feelings I was looking to describe was the point. I get the feeling that is true for many of us, that we are still on courses we charted out ages ago for ourselves. That is a hopeful feeling to have in one’s self, that you re still on track with developing the life you aim to have, creating relationships with yourself and others that reflect all of your desires back to you.
This has been a challenging writing to step into emotionally. This Moon phase brings together two nodal axis: Aries libra and Taurus Scorpio. The intense emotions of pleasures brought out in us to be experienced with the ‘I & the other’. The realization that we don’t exist in the vacuum of isolation, that all of our authentic selves is experienced in relationships with other people and the world around us. That things get more intense when others are involved. And messy sometimes. We can also see how there is a lot of personal responsibility for the pleasure and the mess of it all. In all that fascination I have about this, I find myself woken with vigour to follow my intuition to go out and explore, to actively experience this physical beautiful world we all call home.
With Love and light,