New Moon Eclipse In Taurus

April 30, 2022 at 2:8pm MST, at 10degrees Taurus

Sun and Moon Conjunct Uranus in Taurus:
How best to reduce your stress load?
Is this the way we were really meant to embody life?
Are these routines and habits really getting us to where we want to be?
Could these routines actually be a tyranny towards my own soul?
Am I a victim of my own predictability?
How have my memorized daily patterns also become my memorized daily attitude?
How am I failing to keep up with my and others changes?

Grandmother moon, please share with me an aspect of my relationship within my soul that needs to become more aware during New Moon in Taurus?

Truly this could be a long message, so much was received, so many examples from the world around us to help me expand on.

I will begin with the sensation of ‘groundedness,’ as it is discussed as a way of feeling back in your body. With Taurus though, I have been exploring the word: Embodiment. How do I Embody myself? How do I Embody my life? Using those questions to help guide me to sensing my body.

One of the sensations in my body I am met with is drained, depleted, and dread from a predictable engagement I am having with my life.  Really I am referring to a select few patterns as I reflect on my life in this moment, they are critical patterns that need to be evaluated, likely discarded all together. For you, you may have found resonance in reflecting on your life on the whole, then narrowing down to select patterns that are currently being embodied in your life. Other sensations I feel are polar opposite, causing a pinch of frustration as I learn to lean into the pull of Love, Joy, and living with a sense of fulfillment.

When I ask the intention again, I receive the memory of a period of my life where one day, one week and for a stretch of years things where the same. It seems I have found myself reinvestigating an archetype rather than a group of actions. The actions by which I was living by then were not conducive to whole, well or conscious living. In this moment, I have to consider and reflect that my actions today, though much healthier in comparison are still not leading me to whole, well and a more conscious state of Embodied Living, as I engage the Taurus themes on this Moon.

One of the traps that in all of this feeling and sensing that I am attempting to describe is the trap of  group thinking, conformity and the fear of never belonging. We all, I imagine, in some way fall into the trap of validation of the others around us, we all long to find our herd on this Earthly plane, for some this can also include our herd in the spiritual realms as well. We long for those good feelings we get from others that someone thinks, acts and believes in what we believe in one area or several areas of our lives. They will tell us how amazing we are, click on the ‘like’ buttons, show us in some way they agree with what we are doing. Or they won’t, and that feels awful.

Often we get stuck, become predictable in our ways of living so our world around us can tell us how amazing we are doing and are as people. Yet, deep down there is a nagging sensation within you, something has got to shift, but to where? Leaning into the sensation of unknown is a practice that starts with feeling your fears towards “unknowns”. In today’s world we don’t even need our close friends to agree with us, we can get this predictability and conformity fix from the internet, and the content it contains fill our emotional gratification of likely any area imaginable you need some form of validation on. That is a kind of stuck in the rut, soul deadening thing on a whole other level as it removes the feedback loop that your herd would normal provide to you. On the internet you can unfollow one and find another, endlessly.

One example is the cost of things on the rise. Some call it inflation. Though I have been pondering another view. With the news feeding our fears about the sky falling, the cost of everything on the rise, and the hardships we now face in the housing market- that for some of us buying a house will always be out of reach. What I have been pondering is many fold and layered. So I will keep these thoughts as questions here:

What is the true cost of me receiving fresh local food?
And by local, I mean not days on truck. So that means for my area I’m considering forced/heated green houses and hydroponic farming in the face of a short and usually chaotic growing season.

What if this ‘inflation’ is more about bringing forward equality? What does that feel like in me?
How do I feel about those around me I feel are taking advantage of this inflation and are gouging on their increase of prices? What is my anger, fear and frustration trying to tell me?
Do I feel resentful towards those whose worth and well-being is not phased by inflation? Am I jealous? Why? What are these feelings attempting to guide me towards?
Do I have pain and resentment within myself regarding my feelings of my own worth and value?
What kind of life am I really trading my money for? Does it align with my nature, my desire and longings?
Do I feel resentful because I do not feel my sense of worth can be increased?

Allowing those questions to simmer, I continue:
Consider every time we say to ourselves: “Oh, that is not for me,” “That’s not my thing” “She/He is not my type of person.” Fair, there are somethings we have come to know about ourselves in healthy loving situations and expressions of self love, I am not suggesting degrading or going back on those discoveries. In a Uranus in Taurus theme, I am suggesting we consider embodying stillness, the slower pace of life, slowing our minds down, breathing slowing and deeply, allowing our senses to fully embrace the world around us. Looking for different, healthy, loving ways to break free of our predictability and some our “herd mentality.” Exploring this through actions of the body can help raise our sense of self-worth and value. You do truly belong, first learn to belong to you.

With spring time here in the Northern Hemisphere is a fragile time. I get the sense there is a fragility to Autumn as well, for this is where the Southern Hemisphere is at the moment- more exploration on that later on. In either case, the point is considering the fragility of starting and ending one’s day, week, month, year, or even moment. That to embody life fully is actually a fragile gift we have been given, as we are vulnerable with our heart’s open allowing ourselves to fully receive love. As I look out my window and see the ground, so delicately exposed from the melting snow, flowing water revealed from melted ice, ducks building nests for their families, tiny blades of grass poking through the ground. The delicate state the buds on trees are in- one cold snowy snap and they may face dying off and starting over, or maybe that is what gives them the ability to be shocked into life in a resilient way? I am excited to deepen my learning on that one, as at the moment I don’t have the answer. What about sensing how tender the world is? How tender you are? New leaves are tender fragile beings, easily crushed. But they sprout forth anyways, the courage and bravery that takes in everything to come forward.

Back to those ‘traps’ and the beliefs that the world is this tender fragile being we must protect at all costs. In many ways that is exactly true. But how are we collectively embodying that belief? How are we only expressing the fear of this truth? Protecting has manifested into a variety of expressions ranging from soil recovery and self love to warfare and bigger fences- just depends on what is being fed to you through your media feed and mind set. Maybe you believe that its not for you to go sit outside quietly, leaving your phone and the world behind for a while. In that way that Uranus is unconventional and unexpected, maybe that is exactly what you need.

*disclaimer: I am not suggesting all is bad about the media, lots can be positively learned through the internet and connecting with others. What I am exploring is breaking out of patterns and beliefs that can be affirmed through what we attract into our ‘feeds’ each day. I am exploring other ways to embody protecting what is fragile and tender in life in loving ways.

There is so much layered and richness here to be explored. Considerations of how I have used fear and anger to protect me in my tender fragile stages of life, how those ways were taught to me. How I need to now let them go so I can grow and flower. Considerations of how to protect myself in loving truthful way are my new ways forward. But first, I must sit with the tender fragile parts of may being, and come to understand that they are far more resilient than I have considered before. Leaning into stillness and longing as I want to nurture them in loving and honest ways in their development.

While the Lunar North Node in taurus makes its aspect to Saturn in Aquarius, I ponder- how can I innovate more loving foundations and structures to my embodiment? All last year we have been working through that Uranus- Saturn square, its seems fitting in this New Moon to reflect on how our predictability as a foundational belief system we have used to keep us “safe and secure”, from which we manifested our protectionist styled lives from. For me, that feels depleting suddenly…

To leave you with one last question:
How does love and trust enhance my sense of freedom?

Preyers to your New Moon wishes manifesting. (It may take 3months for the shift to occur).


Total Lunar Eclipse in scorpio


Full Moon in Libra