Libra Full Moon

Libra Full Moon. On April 5, 2023 at 10:34pm MST, with energies perfecting at 16degrees of the Aries-Libra Axis.

On Thursday and Friday last week we had Venus Meet with Uranus in Taurus at 16degrees. More on this at the end of the Moon sharing.

We also have Mercury, who just entered Taurus moving into their Shadow period before stationing retrograde on April 21. The nudge here is to begin considering what is foggy on information and communication. What may be coming up for you emotionally that will need your attention. Lately I have been feeling more in flow with Mercury and their retrograde cycle. It allows me to explore all the communication avenues and possibilities, understand what could block communication, creating interference in our input and out put. Being soft with myself that in the moment I do not always know the questions I need to ask, learning those lessons that come forward, and how they impact the rest of our lives is helpful.

On this Moon we also have Chiron and Jupiter flanking the Sun in Aries. What heals and expands our vitality?  By contrast, we can ask what is constricting and damaging to me?

Grandmother Moon, please help me understand the energy around me and within me as I work to remove what blocks me from my real self in this Full Moon in Libra.

With the moon reflecting her light back at me, I feel like I can see my broken pieces. Feeling about my early life for better or worse broke me apart. I don’t think that was intentional. It seems that we don’t often know the nuances of impact in what we do. That we don’t have all the information yet. Haven’t asked the right question. Maybe we were in a time and space where that was not possible. What feels frustrating is that I have only caught glimpses of the picture of my whole self, large fragments of what I could feel like with all my pieces put back together. I also feel at peace with this information, responsible and excited by the reality that I get to look at all these pieces, test out where they go, learning about the large canvas of me while I do it. The exciting thing is that I am not alone. I am surrounded by others working on their own puzzle. Yes its frustrating because we are doing this with out the complete image of who we are. And I also feel at times I’m guided to pick out a specific piece and put it somewhere I haven’t considered, all to find that it fits!

I don’t feel this analogy is all doom and gloom. We likely have more together than we realize. Maybe what we are faced with is reorganizing what we thought goes where. Reorganizing the pieces of our lives could look like re-prioritizing areas of your life so that you to have more space. Or switch up your work flow. Maybe it’s your physical movement routine that needs adjustment. These pieces of our lives reflect the pieces inside of us. Similar to how those around you mirror your insides outside of you.

I feel like I’m recognizing my demand that I have all the images and feelings of myself right now. Thats not how life is right now. I have to accept at this time at the current general vibration on Earth- we don’t get the whole image and expanse of who we are, it seems we do not have the room to welcome it. I feel it’s possible for the collective to rise up one day so that it can be that way. Its hard to accept that life is a puzzle missing the puzzle box- hell maybe even a number of pieces got literal lost along the way. As experience has taught me, I will attract those aspects of myself back, my space will expand to meet me there. As I learn to take up more space in my life, I can be more of my self image, capable of taking her all in.

Life right now can be messy, disorganized, a disarray - and Beautiful, filled with pleasure and rest. It seems it’s a matter of perspective. You can be miserable about the puzzle of your life, or lean into the joy in the mess. The choice is yours. I liken that feeling to the joy of a messy kitchen after I pieced/made something fabulous and pleasurable for my taste buds! That is a real world experiment to try- how do you feel messing up your kitchen making beautiful foods, or body care items that use food grade ingredients (home made lotion anyone?).

I also know that life won’t always be this messy, that it will never be this way again. The more pieces I work out into wholeness it becomes impossible to conceive doing life as it was before. That brings a certain amount of softness to my frustration with not having it all worked out yet. There is a bit more ease to it all, a sense of balance.

With that, it feels hard to imagine getting ‘there’ when you don’t have the whole map or picture. That is helpful in leaving behind this idea that I’m behind in anything or that I have not gotten somewhere- the feeling of that sense of achievement or success I was taught to chase after. Would I change the way I did things in the past?- You bet. Remorse is a natural guilt we feel when we realize we are wasting time forcing pieces of ourselves where they don’t belong or that we need to act differently, more honestly with the world around us. What is important to us naturally shifts into alignment when we say: “not doing that anymore. I want more of this instead.”

Life around us and in us can feel crazy right now. With so many of us trying to rush spring and her flowers- I pose what’s coming: the slowest of all astrological signs- Sun in Taurus season. Currently we have experienced Venus and Uranus in this way. Jupiter will soon make their stay in Taurus for a year. Everything moves slower in Taurus. Why? Because we are experiencing pleasure, and who wants to rush through that? Life may feel like it’s a mess, the kitchen could in fact need cleaning AND you also need to rest in the pleasures of life. No I’m not advocating neglect- do what you gotta do for the hygiene of yourself and your home. I’m reminding us of what happens when we try to hurry it up, fit the pieces together so we can “move on” and be whole- rushing inherently means you’ll miss the things that happen when we slow down: we can take more in. Life is no longer a blur around you, you can see the trees budding instead of only bare brunches. You’ll see the details that much more clearly and deeply around you and in you. Feel the nuances of the colours around us. Allowing what is whole and working drape us in that inner love we have been working so hard to achieve and receive. Savour the beauty around you and in you right now. However it is. It’s truly never going to be the same. That may be hard to read while you feel like you’re in your worst hell right now. There’s something to be said about savouring and taking it all in- you get your fill of what you needed from that moment. Freeing you to flow into the next one.

Cooking is a good example we can pull from in regards to savouring- unless you cook exactly each time the food you make will always be different. You as an ingredient to the process may also have changed as well. So in that way, the food you make will never be like last time. Or maybe you are traveling and the food you find on these travels is mouth watering. You savour. Slow down. Roll it around your palate taking in each flavour in pieces and as a whole. How about a meal you’re not found of? Roll it around understand what you don’t like and why. Slow down to understand what you would change about the recipe and you for next time. Same goes for cooking and experiencing food in a group effort. Working with others can be a process, slow down and enjoy. Life will never be like this again. For better or worse, take in the nuances of the details that piece together the whole picture.

Recently someone asked me how I get “it” all done. My response created the deer-in-headlights effect as I said: “slowly.” I went on to explain that I do what fills my love cup in parts and pieces each day. Instead of crushing that book, I read one chapter at a time. Instead of sitting in front of the sewing machine for an entire project, I go in hour bursts. Instead of meal planning for the whole week, I make batch of something hearty, and freeze half of it. The instead of making “it” a whole big thing and doing it all at once, I found breaking it into parts helpful when achieving just about anything. I enjoyed what I was doing more. It’s a different perspective when you are looking at the pieces of yourself that are seemingly separated in life. It creates a weaving of time and resources that gives rise to all of me each and everyday. Make it a consistent practice- and in no time you’ll feel exactly what I mean of each moment will never be the same dish even if you used the same ingredients. You’ll be left with a life that in each moment feeds you, satisfies you with the pleasures in life. Soon enough you’ll come to find the pieces are together, organized, flowing and you are whole.

Defused in the light of her Full Moon, I can see the path before me. Calgary, Alberta
Photo: Stephany Steele

Warm love and light,


Aries Hybrid Solar Eclipse


Aries New Moon, A Spring Equinox