Leo New Moon

Leo New Moon, July 28, 2022 at 11:55 am MST, with energies perfecting at 5degrees Leo

I have been feeling into this New Moon energy, but have being coming up to this block, or rather something else that seems to feel like it is over shadowing and/or taking over a Sun Moon conjunction in Leo. Then I see this grand square of Mercury in Leo forming an opposition to Saturn In Aquarius, squaring the Lunar Nodes- who are making an active conjunction over in the North Node of Taurus with Uraunus and Mars. So did something just energetically challenge the bigness of the Leo archetype with something more over the top? Or are we feeling into something really really really important?

Holding space for this energy for a moment, a few words:

Uranus in Taurus has been looking or rather challenging my beliefs around self worth and value, beliefs around what I feel I need to survive. How has my social conditioning clouded my ability to feel about the resources available to me? Part of this Uranus experience of de-conditioning is to un-know parts of ourselves so we create space for the unknown to come forward. Another way of saying it: clear what we know of ourselves so what we don’t know about ourselves has some space to make its way forward. In many ways, many triggering ways, this goes against the status quo of what we know in family, culture and society that also have Taurus areas to express. This comes down to asking: how do I evolve my lifestyle so that it reflects and expresses all my qualities? How can I use the resources around me in new ways? Ways that allow and support these unknown parts of myself to have some room in my life?

Mars in Taurus: take a stand for peace. Makes steps to honour your need for serenity. Walk slower. Let the situation be instead of controlling it, but don’t get walked all over either. In order to stand for peace and serenity, Mars lets go of old battles, the past wars faced, walks away from holding onto the unnecessary stress and learns to relax the neck and shoulders. How do I know when I haven’t taken my stand on peace and serenity? Accumulated stress in the body turns toxic, the energy hasn’t been able to flow and is now stagnant. Also if you are spending any amount of time reflecting on the past wars won and lost, as though they were the “good ‘ol days” of nostalgia, that energy of being stuck in our glory days, or even the grudges of the past. Creating a burnout in ways we may not have considered. Realize that we get a choice to make a stand, see this as an opportunity to make clear and forceful limits and boundaries in areas of our lives that are causing deep stress. This is also an opportunity to heal, release and forgive those old battles, grudges and stressors in our lives, allowing the lessons to come forward.

Lunar North Node in Taurus:

What my soul is working to leaving behind (Scorpio South Node):

Attraction to crisis situations

Over concern with other people’s business


Inappropriate intensity

Judgemental tendencies

The preoccupation with the psychological motivation of the other

Resistance to cooperating with what others want


Destroying the whole in order to eliminate one part

Obsessive- compulsive tendencies

These words for the Taurus North Node were said by Jan Spiller’s Astrology for the Soul, as simply put we are leaving this behind, or rather integrating these lessons so that we may learn more. I heard a saying once: “what got you here won’t get you there”. I feel that this is true when looking at any lunar nodal axis, but when paired with such an event with Mars and Uranus, it becomes more important in its message. Somewhere in all our charts this is happening, they may not be big events, or the result of such choices may not be known for sometime in the heat of the summer. But they are life altering, that density changing kind of feeling to it, the release of trudging through a course of life you put yourself on. Things are different now for each of us. We can make those changes. Move on from where we are standing or face getting burned in the hot summer sun.  Mars is asking us to take a stand on peace and serenity, Uranus is asking us to decondition ourselves and embrace the unknown of the Taurus North Node. In the above tendencies to leave behind there are seemingly obvious opposites that could have written in there, but to Uranus that seems limiting of the feeling of the unknown. Adding tension to this grand square in fixed signs with a Saturn in Aquarius opposite Mercury in Leo, we need to innovate our foundations and connections and communicate with self love, pride and confidence- and in those last Leo words, I transition to the Leo New Moon.

Grandmother moon, please share with me an aspect of my relationship within my soul that needs to become more aware during New Moon in Leo?

Have pride in yourself

Have confidence in yourself

Have self love in yourself

Know that within that level of knowing we are not arrogant, cocky or selfish as society would shame us into believing. We are, and nothing more.

For years now as I have been deepening my astrology study and practice, it would come time to Leo season and I would go into full self-punishment. It hadn’t dawned on me beyond an intellectual thought until recently that I was taught to self punish instead of self love. Now that this awareness has hit the emotional sensory soul parts of me, the way I move and love is changed forever. There has been a lot of remorseful tears lately, forgiving myself for not taking care of myself, loving myself as though I actually did love myself.

When I feel about the symbol of Leo from an emotional and spiritual perspective, it starts with faith. Having the faith in the expression my soul’s unique signatures loudly and clearly, while having a sense of humour. Having this kind of faith in myself doesn’t have room for embarrassment and self importance that leaves me coming across as cocky, arrogant and selfish. This faith also holds space for you to access that same self love in you and we shine together.

I imagine it like this: The earth as a giant ball of light, each ray of this light represents everyone of the 8ish Billion unique souls on earth, all radiating their light outwards. When working together in that kind of harmony we know we cannot dull or pull down another’s light, or it dims the whole.

So what are some of the ways we dim our own light?

Trivial pleasures, interpersonal dramas, escapism masked as fun and turning away from our need for joy.

Turning away from our need for joy is an interesting consideration of what we need in the above Taurus conjunction. Our peace and serenity needs joy….

What about our entanglement with others? That covers trivial pleasures, interpersonal dramas and the resulting escapism tactics masked as fun, and even some of the ways we turn away from relationships. Steven Forrest writes: ‘reclaim the stolen parts of yourself from the injuries that hook us to those who hold us captive’. He goes onto explore how he views nothing as unfinished business. There is always an end, a resolution to be made, a reason that needs to be released in order for us to separate our journeys to others- resolve the entanglement and brighten our dimmed light.

When we are aware of what is repetitious, patterned, seemingly fixed and engrained in our relationships with others, we can take remarkable leaps to brighten not only ourselves but the world around us. These repetitious relationships often feel karmic, part of our Law of Attraction, something that is “just” a habit in the way we interact (dare I say entangle) with people. What if we consider those interactions as irresolutions of the past? Drawing out the emotional injuries of moments devoid of joy, creativity and love that occurred in relationship to other? What if today we are responding in our interactions from ingrained hurt places, that are actually not who we are? What if instead in this awareness of these inner and outer hurts, we send love and longing prayers of healing? Remembering that the seeds planted here are to brighten our light and allow other to chose to brighten as well.

Sometimes in order to allow things to heal and brighten, the goal would be to end the old relationship and way of interacting. It doesn’t mean we sever that person from our lives, it means we say no more to the dimming of our souls. The how in this goes back to being aware through interacting and asking how is this patterned in my life? Allowing ourselves to get vulnerable and exposed, this allows us to realize where we should no longer go in our interactions because we have made it conscious and seen in this dark night, we have killed off the illusion and false desires with love and truth. This is subtle work for the outspoken Leo, going inward to expose the projections that attract the ritualized relations and patterns needing healing.   

When I no longer focus on another’s business I remember my longing to have a love affair with my own soul.

I ponder on how my inner fire may not be reliable or how it may be already but can use some refining to burn cleaner and brighter.

What are some ways we can shift those dimming and dulling ways? Through creating art and beauty!

Specifically creating- that feels like the key word here. What is beautiful is subjective to how your soul feels about art, what we create form that space is completely unique.

These activities inspire that sensation of childlike wonder, where we expose the origins of our creativity, which sometimes lay outside the scope of our consciousness (thankfully we have the grand fixed square to help us reveal and make space for this unknown).

Sometimes we forget that our creativity is part of our spiritual path, where the facade gums up the outflow of our authentic selves.

What are we doing for sheer joy? Sheer fun? For that absolute expression of being present in the here and now? So present it feels meditative. When happiness comes from the act of creating, when we don’t make joy the goal but part of everything we do, and the result of our actions leave us feeling joyful?

This is a big email, packed with lots to ponder. Im not surprised, there was help with Mercury in Leo- some big things needed talking about at once! We should also remember that just because the peak of Summer Sun happens around lunch time, the hottest parts of the day often come later on, as those slow burning embers continue to release their heat long into the night. That is good remembering for the Leo in each of us- the slow burning warmth that will carry us into the night fuelling us forward…

Chat soon on the other side of this blazing healing heat,


Photo: Stephany Steele, July 29, 2022. Calgary Alberta


Aquarius Full Moon


Full Moon In Capricorn