Full Moon In Capricorn

Moon Set, July 11, 2022
Photo: Stephany Steele

Wednesday July 13, 2022 at 21degrees Capricorn at 12:34pm MST

Sometimes I like to look at the shapes an astrological chart make. There is a feeling in that geometrical symbolism. In this Full Moon chart the Sun and Moon create sides of a bowl, with all the other major planetary bodies inside that bowl. The south lunar node In scorpio is the handle, the Moon energy gives a handle on this. So what does that feel like? To have all the planetary bodies tucked inside the light and energy of the Full Moon from our earthly perspective? It feels safe. Safe to go deeper into our soulful selves. Safe in the knowing that Sun and Moon, who create our perception of daily motion of Earth cycles are here for us, gently leading us down the path back towards our authentic soul beings and from there giving us room to grow and develop ourselves.

Grandmother Moon, please share with me an aspect of my relationship within my soul that needs to become more aware during Full Moon in Capricorn and the Sun In Cancer?

There is a heads and tails on every coin. Every Astrological axis is completed by two signs, here we explore Cancer and Capricorn. They are two sides of the same coin. Emotions and foundations, the shell we live in and the mountains that expose us. The depth in which we can explore this axis is endless.

How would climbing the Capricornian mountains be endless?

In the same way being and expressing our emotional selves is endless. There is so much to the universe to explore and discover, a higher level of soul development and state of consciousness we can achieve. Those kinds of mountains expose us, cause us to build ourselves. Trust ourselves.

Two weeks ago, in the New Moon, I explored the cost of living in my shell.

The damage that maybe causing me.

In the other extreme we have the cost of over exposure from the mountains we climb. Or don’t climb.

It’s that feeling that there is a harmonious way to balance the shell and the vulnerable exposure of being on a mountain.

In Saturn speak- this is about timing. Sinking into our intuition that suggests when to move and when to stay.

Which then leads me to an aspect of my intuition I hadn’t considered- a fear towards my own sense of timing. The intuitive organization of my day is about knowing the best time for me to do something.

That feels like a lot of foundational work, getting your inner timing right. It’s also a lot of personal responsibility, you gotta own this inner intuitive timing to make that gift work for you. Loving your gifts also helps. Loving what you are personally responsible for is truly something magical, it also takes out all the noise of people pleasing and approval chasing.

This isn’t about someone else’s idea of how you day, week or life should look, its how moving through YOUR day, week and life FEELS to YOU. That inner knowing when is a good time to do something and less ideal time taps into something that may only make sense to you. There are many facets this can look like beyond work schedules and meal planning (though both important as well):
These are just a few suggestions, not a complete list. Feel into this energy and adjust your list to suit you and your life.

Take learning for example, at some point we intuitively know how to create an environment within ourselves that allows for deeper learning. We also know there are often external forces that we have to navigate and work around in some learning situations like in a class or course. So if we know we need to be in a position to learn on a date and time, we create a foundation to make that goal happen. We can set boundaries that allow us to be present and follow through on our desires.

Connecting with others is another wonderful intuitive example. We structure our lives to socialize when we are at our peak ability to engage and be present with other people, and if we are not, we reschedule. Our intuition and emotions let us know if this is the time and way we long and desire to build relationship. Or if we should choose another moment. This is part of the balance in knowing insulating verses exposure, it seems at some point later on in our journey we become skilled enough to insulate while being exposed- that skill I’m looking forward to. For Now, my guides have shared this possibility to help support my faith in rescheduling so I can work something out and not cause harm to another.

On this Full Moon, I’m looking to release blocks to my intuitive way of structuring my life. Taking all the Cancerian New Moon assessments and shift towards a Capricorn pragmatic game plan of healing.

The symbol Capricorn in all of us can’t mess around, honestly it can’t afford to. Especially if one of its symbols is the climb of a mountain in our human evolution. Thats serious work. Serious work doesn’t have to feel negative or heavy, that is a false belief in my experience so far. Serious work for some of our charts may be around playing and fun. Personally for example, I have been hiking in the Alberta mountains so long that my relationship with climbing all sorts of mountains has evolved, which has been beautiful for my evolution since I have a strong Capricorn energy in my chart. Im also not saying everyone has to take up mountain hiking to understand this feeling I’m attempting to describe. You already know this feeling within you without necessarily seeing your chart and knowing where Capricorn exists for you. That energy is exposed to you in a different way using different language. If you don’t know your astrological chart, but are reading this, my suggestion is to sit with the feeling of what you can’t or don’t mess around with, what feels deeply serious to you in your life, what preverbal or literal mountains you intuitively climbing?

One aspect of the Capricorn nature that I have come to adore is how it seems that aspect in all of us can treat goals like a business plan. We have a want, then make a plan to get it going on its way. Then we naturally pivot, course correct, learn, identity gaps in knowledge, learn more, heal emotional injuries, pivot some more, manifest a new plan, heal more emotional injuries, let go of the imagined outcome, re-course correct, until one day you realize you are in fact on the top of the mountain you set out in your original goals. That isn’t exactly how it goes, but as this email points out this is about connecting to your own intuitive life structuring abilities.

In pragmatic instinctual Capricorn Moon ways we all develop our own inner business plans. We have a dream board or a vision we hold in our mind’s eye, or even our third eye chakra. When we keep our eye on the desire, goals and longings but let go of outcomes (that physical manifestation of how it all comes to be), we become a different kind of fluid. Capricorn is an Earth element, so that is what I mean by different kind of fluid, the earth in all of us can move, breath, shift, reform until we find that solid bedrock we can build our lives on with sureness and trust.

Happy Moon dreaming your big life plan,


Leo New Moon


Cancer New Moon