Leo Full Moon
Leo Full Moon on Feb 5, 2023, at 11:28am MST, with energies perfecting at 16degrees Leo
Uranus in Taurus makes a T-square to this Sun Moon opposition. Last summer with the Aquarius Full Moon, we had a Grand Square- all four corners of one modality were engaged. The modality we are feeling about is the fixed, that place we shift into once things have gotten going. A cruise control of sorts. This time around we don’t have the intensity of Scorpio completing the Square, so it’s called a T-square. Uranus pulling on the strings of of the Leo-Aquarius polarity, bringing tension in ourselves forward.
Mars has been making an aspect to Sun since the end of January this year, by trine of Air element. We have been in this energy for a while, so the activating support Mars has been bringing out in us is nothing new but may add our need for action or movement at this time.
Chiron made a sextile (60degree) aspect this week from the Fire element of Aries, reminding us that our activations are of the healing variety, to keep working on our deepest wounds. That gentle reminder that we are being given the choice and opportunity to always heal and work on our self is a great gift, and to do it in community with others adds a whole dimension to what is possible.
To bring all of this together we have activating healing support from the Fire and Air elements to Sun who is Air and Moon who is in Fire. Pulled tight by the tension of Earthy Uranus in Taurus- who in one of their ways wants us to deconstruct our ideas around pleasure and value, holding space for what may seem unusual or unlikely in our experiences and embodiment.
Grandmother Moon, please help me understand the energy around me and within me as I work to remove what blocks me from my real self in this Full Moon in Leo.
Leo is about vitality, playfulness, that childlike endless energy to explore the world. It seems to me that vitality is one of those challenging topics to feel about in the fixed middle of the North American winter, also known as Sun in Aquarius season. The sun in this way brings that vitality to us digging inward and getting creative and innovative. Still sifting through what is working and not working, those sage ways we started evaluating two weeks ago at the New Moon. I also look at the cycles in longer spans- what about what came up for us in August of 2022? Being that we almost are by exact degree are still in that similar tension, this feels important and an opportunity to dig out those journals and browse through what we are still healing and deconstructing in our lives. What did our yesterday versions of ourselves believe we valued, when the today version of ourselves needs to let go and move on?
The unknown. The feelings of the unknown are part of the deconstructing process Uranus brings forward. It can leave us feeling destabilized, unsure of our footing, and possibly exhausted and frustrated from always having to try new things while we find our way. Taurus comes before Leo in fixed signs- pleasure under-pins our sense of vitality. That is what I am feeling now the moment: Deep Soul Filling Pleasure turning up my Vitality. This deep pleasure is also revealed after the Aquarius creations, connections, and innovations- basically another way of saying change and expressing what seems unusual to the traditions that precede us. I feel its the quality of consistent purification of all three of these concepts that need to work together. That tension we are feeling is more related to not working in balance within ourselves and with the outside world around us.
Another way to frame this into language: what we make brings us pleasure that increases our vitality. The complete circle would include that scorpion phrase of passionate intensity: What we make brings us pleasure that increases our vitality that allows us to explore what we are intensely passionate about that deepens what we create that brings us pleasure that fires up more of our vitality….
To back up, we are also exploring where we may have gotten it wrong in the creative-pleasure- vitality section of this. Is what we are doing for pleasure really increasing our vitality? Is what we create really bringing us that deep pleasure that fires us up? Only you can ask yourself that in the sweetness of winter. Only you can create the life that brings you pleasure, filling you with vital energy. What if we realize that the money we spend is only buying us temporary happiness and not the deep pleasure we thought we were getting? What if we realize we built our lives using fools gold- and no wonder we are exhausted, we represented with a symptom of being out of our natural balance.
I know that to be true in me, this exhaustion from building my life on fools gold. What I am sharing with you is that in order to truly live a vital life, one based in genuine pleasure, made from true creations, that came from pure passion cannot be made up, manufactured, manipulated, or even a little bit based on anything that is not true and rooted in Love. That we need to live in these cycles in order to take our time, find the value for ourselves to clean up our lives so that we may reclaim our vitality.
This is exciting stuff.
It’s exciting to me that we have so much control over our own lives in order to explore and execute our actions to increase our own vitality. We literally have the power and capacity to change the way we live in order to reveal what genuinely increases our inner and endless well spring of vitality.
When I read the back to myself, and the ‘Yes, But…’ thought rolls through my mind- I go there. That is where I find the where I gotten my life wrong, lessened my own vitality, manufactured my life in some inauthentic way. Yes we have to pay our bills in an ever increasing cost of living situation. Yes we have realities we must face at what it takes to be here. Those are not the ‘Yes, But’s…’ The ‘Yes, But’s’ are where you feel like you have to pump yourself up to do a thing. Ask yourself if you were really pumped to do that thing would you have to front load that with a routine of some nature, work yourself up just to get to it? Or would you just be pumped up naturally, from deep inside, to get to it?
For example, I love writing about Astrology. I love that I have the opportunity to feel about the days where I don’t feel like writing, and the days that I do. I love that when I open my laptop and write out the headline and it all flows. The only thing I do is show up. Creating these sentences give me great pleasure, and when I’m done I feel alive- vital if you will. There is no ‘Yes, But…’ here. It just is for me.
This is the feeling of having power and authority to increase my endless pleasure and vitality. I don’t have to remind myself that I can do this. Its more of a “what do I want?” It’s the ‘do I want to make this thing’? That is one of the moving questions the Sun holds within in it as it is the home of our vitality. It’s the ultimate fire in our lives. It’s in these kinds of moments where we look inward at our Moon driven instincts and wonder if it’s not working out for us because it’s actually a coping behaviour. The wondering in me when I pause to be curious if my coping behaviours are masked as instinct.
Thats a really big feeling- wondering about what we thought gives us pleasure, creating the foundation of our vitality is actually a coping behaviour. No one can shed light on that but you and maybe exploring with your therapist. Either way, its energy in my opinion worth leaning into. We use coping behaviours as a way to manufacture feelings in our lives, they are used to create sensations that are missing, that we long for, that we crave. I won’t sugar coat that it takes a lot of personal work and healing to restore our vital beingness. We live in a world that seems to encourage those ‘Yes, But…’ feelings, and it seems to me that those feelings are part of the story in what depletes us, separating us from our souls- that endless fountain of creation, pleasure and vitality we could be living from.
This is exciting stuff.
A meditation question: do I value my vitality?
Warm Hugs,