Aquarius New Moon
Aquarius New Moon. Jan 21, 2023 at 1:53pm MST, with energies perfecting at 01degree Aquarius.
Earlier this week we had the last Sun and Pluto connection in Capricorn. We will not see another one until the next time Pluto is In Capricorn In about 240years. Pluto times are a challenge, with Pluto being the symbolic representative of the underworld. We have faced many since 2008, when Pluto first ingnreesed into Capricorn. In some ways I’m sad about this- I feel like I finally got my stride with this energy and Im also relieved to move on. I feel leery and excited about what Pluto energy will bring to Aquarius, how the Sun and Pluto conjunctions will feel for the next 21 years. It will be 2044 when I feel again about this shifting transition. For today, I honour what this all has been for me and the journey I chose to embark, peeling back facades, addictions, suffering and uncovering parts of myself I longed to restore. I also honour that I am not done, and honour how ok this knowing is. These uncoverings will feel infinite for a time, and then I’ll be somewhere new- that is where I learned about grace in these times. Grace for you and me to walk this challengingly long journey. One day we may look back and realize it has not been all that long- but in these last years of Pluto in Capricorn, it has felt long and hard and seemingly never ending.
We also have Venus meeting up with Saturn this weekend in Aquarius. Saturn too will be leaving Aquarius to Pieces this year. We get to revisit this energy in 28 years. With Venus in the mix- I am left wondering how beautiful we are making the foundation of our Airy lives? As remote work, business structures and socializing have shifted to a less material existence- how will all of this look in 30years? Does it give us substance to building a beautiful life? Or does it give a different kind of air pollution? Saturn will not meet with Pluto like it did in Capricorn in 2020. We will not have those same challenges to work out. I am getting ahead of myself- looking at the long game, when the essence of this is right now in the early wakings of becoming present with Air.
Grandmother Moon, please help me understand the energy around me and within me as I work to remove what blocks me from my real self in this New Moon in Aquarius.
The energy I am sitting with is the Moon, Sun and Pluto connections. They are conjunct and not in the same sign. When this happens we get a different flavour of energy to work with. Air and Earth, us, the ancestors, and circle of elders. Holding space for what we can change quickly and what needs long term planning for change. We need all of it to shift fluidly in order to live our longest lives. We can lean on our ancestors and the past to learn lessons, building from stable foundations or starting over entirely. Learning to shift what needs shifting in the correct order of operations are key lessons. Again, I am getting a head of myself. We are at the beginning, realizing what we are working with.
Its in these early degree Moon phases that always get me. It feels similar to that moment when you wake up, realize you are awake and are now taking in your surroundings, how you feeling, the condition of your being and bringing forward what you need from the dream time. Depending on how you feel about this phase, can result in a variety of responses: pull covers back over head, slug your way to coffee maker, peacefully move to the meditation cushion or bounce your way to the yoga mat. However this energy looks and feels to you- Honour where you are at.
As these waking moments of reflection go, we sometimes reflect on how we used to be one way and are now somewhere else on the spectrum of our journey. In this moment you could also notice if the current season has an affect, or the season of your life is affecting your morning start. Stopping to know where you are in the phase of your day, week, month, year and lifespan can be helpful tools to navigate small and big picture planning. Or even more simply: becoming ever more deeply present with yourself.
I realize that I am discussing the lead up to the Aquarius energy. As is with everything in life, this energy, this moment is set up from the moments before it. How we move into our day can give us space to innovate and create- or not. It goes with that knowing that we have to consciously set ourselves up for success- whatever that success may look like to each of us.
Innovation is not always about reinventing the wheel, it’s about taking our learned Capricorn discernment and respectful practices of what works and what no longer works in each new day or moment and innovating/pivot/creating from that place.
It can be a challenge with these transitions to let go of the old sage ways that brought us to this new day. They worked for so long. It’s also not that we suddenly realize that these sage ways were becoming outmoded either. When we reflect and ask ourselves why do we have to let this go in order to move forward we realize there is a long list of situations that supported us coming to these awarenesses. Taking it all in at once can be shocking and abrupt.
A smaller example to help us zoom out into the expanse of our lives: a hangover. We are in those waking hours, pulling the covers back over our heads, swearing never to feel this way again, remembering bouncing over to the yoga mat and how great that feels.
(*Please remember I am talking about the essence and spirit of something using practical materialized examples- feel into the words and see how you live them in your materialized way if you chose to do so*)
You may find courage to reflect, even with a headache and dry mouth. With a glass of water in hand, you realize what brought you to this moment. How the day before went, maybe it was the week or year and then you chose to numb, leading to the current your hangover pain state.
One of the Capricorn essences is determination. I also hold space that some may be determined to not pull themselves away from outmoded and painful ways of living, I love you. And I honour I have chosen differently, it is from this place I continue to write.
It takes determination to slow down and reflect on how your life may have die in order to be reborn, there are many layers to this: physical, metaphorical, spiritual, etc. Physically, our lives die every moment and day we choose something different from what we did previously. Those moves and changes can be slow and seemingly unseen to those around us- but always there moving us up and through life in ways we chose. Changing how we lived perviously is also a Pluto vibe. Determination is a Capricorn thing. Both move slow. Making the subtle of subtle changes that shift foundations we build our worlds on.
We must also remember about grieving. Every change we make comes with some amount of grieving. Life will never be the same because we changed one subtle thing. There was a day a number of christmases ago where I realized I would never work a Christmas season like that again. That the people I would see would be different from here on in, that everything the following Christmas would be different. I cried that whole day at work, into the night for as long as I needed to. In that grieving I realized I had to change the ways in which I worked through the holidays, shifting energy and physical realities in subtle and overt ways so that I could allow more of myself to become present. Every year since then feels hard as I continue to grieve and look to see what is working and is not working for me at work during the holiday season. This is one way I feel about and experience the hangover state- I am in pain, I reflect, I feel and I choose. Those actions, impact the air around me.
Now in the waking of Sun and Moon in Aquarius, we build on what we chose. I had to innovate and shift my work schedule. I had to change the way I moved socially through Sun in Sagittarius season. It look a lot of reflecting to learn about what led to my pinnacle of pain. Where the shiftings needed to happen. Looking at what was in the past that created my future.
I cannot write too much on what it would mean for you if there was no pain in your life, if there were only good foundations to build on, I haven’t experienced that essence yet. My hunch is that we would be able to innovate, create and build on solid immovable foundations laid out in Capricorn times that were inspired in the harmonious philosophy and theory of Sagittarius times, which came after being in the intense loving depths of Scorpio times… and backwards we go in our reflections as to how we got here. In the present: Aquarius has the capacity in each of us to move through the layers of the atmosphere we live in- its written in the glyph. If you don’t believe in yourself that you have the power within you to innovate your life from where you are right now- I encourage you to start here.
I like ending on this feeling I’m seeing in my mind’s eye of moving through the layers of the atmosphere upwards, the grieving of leaving the lower layers that has to happen, but also feeling relief that I will no longer in those ways be constricted by density. The air is thinner up there, maybe that needs to be so as we expand and take up more space- our touch points are naturally further apart, but still deeply connected to one in our collective community.
Love and Hugs,