Gemini New Moon

Gemini New Moon, June 17, 2023 at 10:37pm MST, with energies perfecting at 26degrees Gemini.

Clearwater County, Alberta
Photo: Stephany Steele

On this moon phase we have a quincunx, a 150degree aspect that Pluto Rx in Capricorn makes to the Sun and Moon in Gemini- this is not an aspect that gets looked at often, though here it was the first one the stood out to me when I looked at the chart for this New Moon. This is a slightly awkward aspect in that when looking at a circle, it is between 120 and 180- the trine and opposition. It’s that transition from smooth ease, to facing something directly across from you. This aspect you have a moment to be with what is about to be cross from you with some ease. (Spoiler Alert: the New Moon in Cancer will have the Pluto rx opposition). As with the language and cycles of nature one thing does always lead to the next. One of the questions I have been sitting with is: am I resisting doing something that I shouldn’t be resisting? Like maybe there is something I really should have done and talked myself out of it. Pluto symbolizes deep psyche work, in that work we feel our way through death/healing and rebirth. So maybe that thing we should have done or have been resisting is part of our deep healing work. Doing our work leads us towards our rebirth. Because Pluto also moves slowly, pacing ourselves is part of the process, deep work doesn’t happen quickly, thought sometimes is feels that way when we have come out the other side. In the moment, it does have that never ending quality- letting you know you are exactly where you need to be.

This New Moon is also trine and sextile to South Node and North Node: The Sun and Moon are connecting with the Lunar Nodal points in such a way where we feel the pull to both the known of the South Node and unknown of the North Node. That can leave us confused, ungrounded, uneasy. Both feel right- heading to the unknown and staying with the known can feel right to us at the same time. This seems easy to reconcile to the Gemini in all of us- where we can hold space for the options both paths being right and true. The mission then becomes about integration. When we bring forward the known with us into the unknown our curiosity can be heightened with faith in ourselves based on the facts of our past experiences. We can challenge what didn’t work back then with excitement of trying something new and unknown. We can get peaceful with ourselves while embarking in the unknown- it’s not the first time you stepped forward without seeing beyond what is in your visual field.

The South and North Nodes are also square to Pluto: Integrating life, healing trauma, feeling emotions, the deep work mentioned above adds that extra creative tension, or spiciness of having that faith and courage in ourselves to take first steps forward into unknowns can take a healing breath before we feel solid in that movement. The note of comfort here is a gentle reminder to the ever quick moving Gemini is to pace yourself- it doesn’t have to happen in one day.

Sun & Moon square Neptune in Pisces: This final aspect that stood out to me was beautiful in the reminder to pull in your favourite variety of meditation and spiritual work during this Moon phase. You may not feel like it, something about mediation this weekend may not have been high on your list of things to do- thats the square talking. As you are living your life, consider how your mental activity on a single thought while you do something can connect yourself to what feels like the entire universe- That is the essence of mediation and doing your spiritual work. Bringing the mind down into the movement of life in however or wherever you go helps heal disconnection or beliefs that mediation is to separate from our minds- when sometimes we need to give it space to talk out a single or its many thoughts.

Grandmother Moon, please help me understand the energy around me and within me as I work to remove what blocks me from my real self in this New Moon in Gemini.

Pruning for better growth.

Letting go of what doesn’t serve so we can focus on the deep passions.

It is also ok to cultivate many branches of thought- they just don’t grow as deeply or fast as when you focus on one thing.

I look to the world around me for guidance on this. As much as we could cultivate many branches- pruning seems to be the nature of the moment. How did I come to this? It is spring time and we have forest fires. That is unusual. I was guided to understand one of the ways draught can build. Fire cleans up the undergrowth, the dead wood. Not all forest fires rage on, they need a lot of dead and dry material to build up that kind of heat. But if maintained, it would be a whisper of a fire that zips through, larger trees left unharmed, animals are not homeless or harmed either. It seems to me that there are degrees of Fire we don’t understand- and typically we suppress what we don’t understand. Water can’t reach the soil and aquifers when it is absorbed by compost on the forest floor, Water never makes it to where it needs to go. I get the deeper sense that Mother Nature knows how and when to use all available elements.

So in keeping with my own personal work- this became a visual mediation and wondering of my own forest within. I looked at my own over grown forest, left unpruned and cleaned up for generations. My inner forest was not all planted by me, this has been going on for generations. Deep old growth forests have many wonders, many treasures. Family traits resemble thousand year old red woods- firmly rooted and cultivated in our energy and soul reminding us that not everything about ourselves from our families requires therapy. What is not growing in this forest or has tried and died off long ago, with its remains calcified on our forest floor- that is the stuff for therapy to be cleaned uo. And also one of the ways we can use our inner fire to light a match and set it a blaze. We run the risk of feel like we will have to start all over, that there will be nothing left of the thousand year old trees within, but the waters of our being is no longer reaching those trees- they are suffering in another way. In my meditation I had to trust that nature knows what she is doing, and take a personal risk or risk loosing everything anyways. This meditation went on for a while, days even. Staying with the fear of what I have I done. Then I left the inner shift- I wanted water and lots of it. The rains had come. My tears had come. I was taking in water and flowing out water.

In the very literal way this work presents itself I discovered some of the nature of the dead wood in my family forest. I was first willing to go into my unknown, do the necessary clean up of feeling challenging emotions, and then I understood the details of those emotions. I feel that is a key feature for the evolving Gemini in all of us- exploring our curious emotions without knowing the details first. In one of the simplest symbols of Gemini is to just be curious. Being Curious. Staying with that curiosity until its played it out in your mind- doesn’t always mean take action. It means staying with a single thought until it’s completed.

I feel that this is one of the ways our minds have become scattered and separated from ourselves, it is not allowed to complete its own natural cycles, its not allowed to burn through things so water can flow, the air in our minds get polluted in ways we haven’t began to understand. With all these fragmented thoughts and ideas running amuck, suffocating ourselves from ourselves.

One of the most humbling realizations I have had lately is that the culture I was reared in really does not understand harmony and balance. We understand control and fear. Nature is attempting to show us the way back to harmony. And right now that looks aggressive and out of control.

Let’s consider another example of similar energetic signatures: You’ve inherited your family homestead and they have been there for say 4 generations. Its a fabulous house with great foundations, the lay out is wonderful and functional. But they never tossed out the garage in a 100years. Even one generation worth of garbage is a lot and feels overwhelming. Its understandable that for some, you reject your inheritance even though it has wonderful foundations. You cast the whole thing out. Cleaning up when it didn’t start with you is agonizing, overwhelming and painful work in the beginning. If you go looking, you can quickly find that you are not alone. There are many communities choosing to complete these cycles. Choosing to end them by cleaning out the linage forest and homestead. Room by room, square foot by square foot, the garbage and deadwood is being cleared away. We often have to do this work on our own, it is hopeful though that we are not alone- side by side we are taking care of our part of the larger network of forest so that we can all expand and grow.

Bringing that back to doing this in a Gemini way- its staying with that one room, that one thought wondering whats all in here and involved in this one area in me. Cleaning out the trash, patching up belief systems with truth, sorting and separating what is useful and what needs to be returned to the land to be transformed, reorganizing- maybe even realizing that pieces where in the wrong room of our lives altogether!

When we live in a home physically and within our psyches this level of clean up is was the little wisp of fire looks like- you can burn through a room deep cleaning it and most things won’t even know you’ve been there, but they will because they can go on living in a harmonized expanded way.    

In many ways this embodies the intensity of Pluto’s work, and if you consider rulerships- its understandable why its paired with Scorpio, where the South Node is in its final degrees of. We had the choice to clean up little by little generations ago or even in our own generation, in that way self preservation works- we have to go for the gusto- the big fire needs to come out so we can keep on living. It will be messy and intense for a moment maybe even a season, but when the smoke is cleared we can discover what is left- and that is an exciting spark that lights up my curiosity.

For where the wind takes you,


Capricorn Full Moon


Sagittarius Full Moon