Capricorn Full Moon
Capricorn Full Moon, on July 3, 2023 @5:38Am MST, with energies perfecting at 11degrees Capricorn.
This week leading up the the Full Moon we have a few Starry moments going on that are not connected to the Moon-Sun dance through the sky, but flavoured much of the energy I (and likely you) were tuning into:
Neptune stations retrograde on June 30 at 27 degrees Pisces- bookmark those triggered moments. They are opening up the opportunity for you to deeply reflect on your own deep emotions and helping us reveal our spiritual path forward.
Venus and Mars conjunction in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus- this feels more like the reminder that relationships come in all flavours. That we can express love and experience the other in many ways that are not classified as “normal” but are deeply loving.
The Sun and Moon made connections with:
Mercury conjunct Sun and opposite Moon- all parts of our communication are part of our vital life force. The emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, formed & unformed, the past & present. All of communication is a necessary requirement of our vital wellbeing.
Jupiter in Taurus via sextile to the Sun, and therefore trine to the Moon & Saturn in Pisces trines Sun and Mercury, and therefore sextile to Moon- I would not often chose to pair Saturn and Jupiter together in a single discussion. Interestingly it came through as the same thing: we have to deliberately choose to expand our consciousness in order to welcome in more love and joy into our being. That deliberate choice is a conscious effort founded on what we value, want and long for in our lives. Communicating those choices to ourselves is often the first step to making things happen.
Grandmother Moon, please help me understand the energy around me and within me as I work to remove what blocks me from my real self in this Full Moon in Capricorn.
One of the things I found myself discussing in my meditative self talk was about letting go of control, what self agency and responsibility really are, and what broken rules am I still living by- causing me to resist doing what would be really good for me to do.
I found myself also reflecting on a transit in our Starry sky that occurred from way back when I was cognitively not developed enough to understand but could totally feel the Uranus Neptune conjunction of 1993 in Capricorn (it occurred at 19degrees Capricorn). Because these planets move super slow when compared to Mercury, the years we collectively felt this was from 1990-1996 (that is how long they spent within orb (range) of each other). What came into words about that moment was the paradox we faced and needed to learn about deconstructing and deconditioning the broken unharmonious beliefs and ideals we have about the way we live, the traditions we based and founded our lives on. How self agency & responsibility and control are two very different things. The irony of this juxtaposition and error from which we are choosing to live our lives when we could be living in a way that is easier because it flows. Uranus wants to rewire and awaken us through those forceful waves of electrical energy, showing us where those Neptunian illusions are hiding waiting to be acknowledged with consciousness. I feel that today is a reminder of what was started in the past and is here to help us remember that what we are working on is nothing new. That history is only repeating itself in our daily lives because we haven’t cleared out what was needed to be cleared. I feel that this is also an act of mercy and grace, being given us more opportunity to make it right, true and loving.
When I get into really big thoughts such as above, my next practice is to ask how can I take this in? What is one thing in me that I attempting to be revealed in this moment? It’s like seeing a buffet and asking yourself where to start.
Full Moons are great at illuminating what is at other times dark for us. Moon Light is being distributed from the Sun at maximum during a Full Moon. Moon Light is being filtered through the Capricorn part of our charts. In each of us there is an area of our lives that if you read about Capricorn things you can quickly realize what area of your life is engaged in that way: where we value traditions, elders, structure, foundations of things, discipline, we may feel cold in this area, mature, wise, to name a few verbs. This area is more heightened when there are planets and aspects, drawing in more energy of focus. If there are no planets and aspects- fear not. It means that this is not often a highlighted area of your life, the caveat though is that when there is a transit of Planetary energy happening you will likely feel caught off guard or off balance, as these energies are not things you are used to. In those moments- remember these energies are here to help you not harm you.
When I feel about the Capricorn traditions of our elders and generations before us, I also feel about the long haul of life. The longevity of these rules we live by, historically speaking they were supposed to help keep us alive. The irony that I seem to face then is that these rules are now making a dying, no longer keeping us alive, but rather the feeling of speeding up our degradation and death. That is the feeling of broken rules. That there is such a thing as too much hard work. It takes a great deal of self agency and reclaiming personal responsibility to assess and reflect on what is preventing us from living full, vibrant lives, a life worth celebrating.
It seems I have found myself in the place that I wanted revealed to me- living by rules that create a life worth living and removing rules and agreements that block this from happening. In the light of this Full Moon, I am accepting the sight afforded to me to see the structures and foundations built by those from the past, those I respect this awareness with gratitude because of the challenges and hardships they had overcame just to be a live on Earth during their time here. They created rules and boundaries for survival, teaching them to their children that this is what must be done in order to survive. This went on for generations, maybe even a millennia or two. Today we are now celebrating detunement, disconnection, and isolation as a staple way of life in the name of survival. Those are not comforting words to write. Frankly it feels down right depressing. We celebrate these things because we chose to keep doing them, that is how we use our self agency.
The Sun is in Cancer, our vulnerable, warm, and emotional crab. The homestead. At one point in time we did not need door locks for our doors, there was no need. People were respectful and gracious about another’s living space, treating them as sacred places asking for permission to be let in. You either felt the warm welcome of the prefect moment or came to learn your neighbour is not in a good way or needing something else. No one was isolated from each other, they lived in respectful boundaries and community with each other. They were connected and attuned to the energy of the community and each other. We could be vulnerable with each other. That is the source of our light right now- Our vital energy that recharges us comes from this place. This is where the Moon is receiving her light that she is distributing back to us.
I understand with all practical reality that removing physical locks on my house and car would only open me up for harm at this very moment in time. SO I am NOT suggesting that. Where I am going is into the metaphysical heart space. Its like how we give our near and dear friends keys to our homes and hearts- they are welcome anytime. We can create communities where we can be vulnerable, live connected and attuned to one another, supporting each other as we move through life. We all carry gifts that make community better, able to bring in more loving energy that nourish our souls with the tenderness we all crave. That is a life we can create and celebrate, teaching our children about living and thriving in this way.
It is in this light that I breathe in the possibility of reducing all the barriers that once protected my ancestors, giving them thanks, and acknowledging those barriers are now limiting me from living a full and celebratory life.
Full Moon setting in the rise of the morning sky. Calgary, Alberta
Photo: Stephany Steele
With Summer Love,